How to Prepare for a Beginners Yoga Class

The best way to practice yoga is to just do it, but it can be a little overwhelming to attend your first beginners yoga class. While most instructors will guide you through all aspects of beginner yoga, doing a little preparation may help you to feel more confident. So, here we’ll explore some of the basics of preparation for your first class.

yoga for beginners

Read About the Different Yoga Types


Before you attend a beginners yoga class, it is a good idea to learn a little about the different yoga types. For example, hatha yoga is slower moving, so it is more suited to beginners, while power yoga or Ashtanga tends to be more challenging. Some yoga types such as Vinyasa can be challenging, but are often geared towards beginners.

Hot yoga uses accessible poses, but the extreme heat may not be suitable or enjoyable for all students. For example, if you have an existing medical condition or you’re pregnant, hot yoga is best avoided. It is a good idea to look at the class schedules to see what types of yoga classes are available, so you can tailor your research to determine which is the best fit for your fitness goals and circumstances.


Watch Some Basic Poses


Depending on the instructor, the pose names may be given in English or Hindi, which can make it confusing during your first couple of classes. So, it can be beneficial to review some of the common poses to understand their basic form and their names. Favourites such as downward facing dog or adho mukha svanasana and child’s pose or balasana are usually featured in every yoga class, so you can immediately boost your confidence by watching how these poses are performed.


Plan Out What You’ll Need


Most yoga studios encourage students to use their own mats, but if you don’t yet have your own yoga mat, you may be able to use one at the studio, so you’ll need to check. Typically, any props or equipment will be provided by the studio including blankets, blocks, and bolsters, but if you want to practice at home, it may be worth buying a few basics or creating some substitutes from items around your home. For example, you can use a belt rather than a yoga strap, or a towel rather than a mat.


Think About Your Clothing


While there are some fantastic yoga clothing options around, your class will not be a fashion competition. What you wear is the least important aspect of the class, but you’ll need to be comfortable. Think about how your clothing will move during poses, so you’ll want to avoid baggy tops that can go over your head during an inversion. The best idea is to have stretchy, comfortable pants and a close fitting top. You don’t need to worry about footwear, as yoga is usually performed barefoot. If you feel self conscious about taking off your shoes in public, it is worth investing in some yoga socks. These feature grips to help you avoid sliding on your mat.


If you’re considering beginners yoga classes in Melbourne, Kaya Health Clubs is here to help. We offer a wide range of classes and course from beginner yoga through to more advanced classes. You’ll also find our team ready to answer any of your questions to help you prepare for your beginners yoga class.
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