Can Melbourne Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

If you’ve considered visiting a Melbourne yoga studio, you may have wondered about whether it can benefit you. Regular yoga can provide you with a number of benefits, but can it help you to lose weight? Here we’ll explore this topic further, so you can determine how Melbourne yoga could benefit you.

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What Yoga Cannot Do


It is important to be realistic about what Yoga classes in Melbourne can actually do and what they cannot. Yoga will help you to build strength, but research suggests that your heart rate will not be raised enough to help you shed those stubborn kilos. In order to lose weight, you need to regularly perform an exercise that will raise your heart rate and eat healthily.

While vigorous yoga can provide a greater workout compared to gentle yoga, if weight loss is a primary goal, it is a good idea to combine yoga with aerobic exercise. However, yoga can still play a vital role in your weight loss plans.


How Yoga Can Benefit Your Weight Loss Plans


Although losing weight is often simplified to calories in and calories out, there is a great deal more to this equation. If you want to change your habits to develop the impulse for healthier choices as second nature, yoga can help.

Yoga classes can help to bring you into better tune with your body. It can help with your sense of wellbeing and boost your self image. Additionally, yoga is excellent as a stress reducer, and since many people stress eat, regular classes can support your weight loss. Consistent yoga practice will encourage a healthier lifestyle to make it more likely you will be able to maintain your progress. Yoga can also help you to listen to your body and help you make positive changes to make a holistic approach for your weight loss journey.


The Best Kinds of Yoga


If you’ve never tried yoga, you’ll need to start with a beginner class. However, there are some styles of yoga that can be more beneficial for burning those calories. Ashtanga yoga is very vigorous, and beginners often sign up for multiple classes to boost motivation. Ashtanga follows a series of poses during each practice, so it can also make it easier for beginners as you can learn the sequence and develop confidence.

Another option is power yoga that is often available at the typical Melbourne yoga studio. This style of yoga is based on building the intensity and heat of Ashtanga with a series of fixed poses. You may also like to consider hot yoga, where you’ll find yourself working up a sweat.

If you want to boost your weight loss efforts, it is a good idea to speak to the instructor for further help and guidance.


If you’re considering Melbourne yoga, you should visit us. We are an established Melbourne yoga studio offering a variety of classes to suit all skill levels. You’ll also find the Kaya Health team ready to answer any questions to help you choose the class best suited to your requirements.

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