What’s With that Itch During Circuit Training?

Regularly attending circuit classes is a great idea to boost your fitness, but it can be compromised if you are struggling with an itch. Itching is a common issue when exercising, but if you have an itch developing when you start physical activity, it can not only be annoying, but also intrusive. So, here we’ll explore itching and why you may be struggling during circuit training.

circuit training classes

Understanding Itching


Itches or pruritus is the general sensation from skin cells or nerve cells being irritated. This sensation develops when a nerve ending is stimulated by injury, temperature, chemicals, infection or even an immune system response. When the nerve ending is stimulated a message is delivered to the brain through the spinal cord triggering a rubbing or scratching reflex. Scratching provides transient relief as it interferes with the nerve signal, but it can also be a warning of an abnormal condition.


Causes of Itching During Circuit Training


Itching that occurs during exercise exclusively is typically due to an allergy. Allergies are abnormal immune responses where the body release histamine or inflammatory chemicals in response to the stimulus. Depending on what you may be allergic to, you may experience symptoms other than itching including eye, nose or skin irritation. The allergy can be triggered by a sudden change in your environment or something you come into contact with or inhale during exercise.

For example, contact dermatitis is triggered by something you come into contact with physically. This can be mild or moderate in severity and can be due to latex in sports bras or yoga mats, but it can also be caused by powders, lotions or body sprays used before or after your circuit classes.


Non Allergy Causes


There are other conditions that can cause itching during circuit training. Some of these can involve histamine release, but others have no connection to histamine. For example, heat rash or prickly heat develops if perspiration becomes trapped in sweat pores. This can cause superficial bumps or blisters, particularly during strenuous activity in warmer temperatures.

Cholinergic urticaria is caused when the increased body temperature triggers skin swelling and hive formation. Although this is similar to allergic reactions, it involves immune cells spontaneously breaking apart and flooding the body with histamine. This is often caused by an underlying food allergy, amplified during exercise.


Itching Relief


There are a number of steps you can take to relieve your itching during your circuit training classes. Firstly, you may want to consider changing your detergent and fabric softener. Even if you usually don’t have any issues, when you’re sweating and your skin is warm during exercise, sensitivity is increased. You should also wash your workout clothing in hotter water to ensure that any irritants remaining from previous washings are eliminated.

You may also benefit from changing to different workout clothing. Synthetic fabrics can wick moisture away from your skin to help prevent itching. You should also moisturise your skin as your skin may be more prone to drying out with frequent showering and sweating.


If you’re considering circuit training, you should contact us. We offer a variety of options including circuit classes, and the Kaya Health team would be delighted to answer any of your queries.


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